Friday, April 6, 2012

What is domain name?

Your organization's Internet domain name is a unique name in the URL of your websites and email addresses of your users after the @ sign appears. This is usually the name of your organization and or takes the form of a standard Internet suffix.

Your Google Apps customer account that uses your organization's Internet domain. Users at your domain user accounts can access by signing in to Google Apps. When signing up for Google Apps you use your primary domain as the domain is known. (Learn more about choosing your primary domain.)

Google Apps for Business and Education Customer, multiple domain names to their Google Apps accounts, you can relate to, unless they own the domain names. If your organization owns more than one domain name, you see more than one domain management.

Google does not host or domain names registered. If you want to use Google Apps but you do not have a domain name, we registered a new domain, domain registrar to help you (the United States available in English) with a selected group of partners is.